

A solid foundation provides a strong base for your home or building. Without foundation, your home or building will go down. So, working with an experienced company throughout the building process is vital. We will help you understand what needs to be done for a formidable foundation.

If you notice anything unusual about your foundation, it’s important to take action right away. Faulty foundations and other factors can weaken your house and cause more destructive problems. So, if you identify these issues and fix them correctly, you can save yourself expensive foundation repairs.

That’s why we help you build strong foundations at Double J Concrete. Our company revolves around the virtue of customer satisfaction. Plus, we know what foundation type is suitable in the area.

The Right Type of Concrete Contractors for Your Foundations
Double J Concrete works closely with you to help you understand the correct type of foundation for your construction. We offer three types of concrete foundations:

Basement Foundation
Your basement foundation is extremely deep and matches the upper floor space. It’s around 7 feet high (sometimes even higher) to support a proper living space. You can either go for a full basement or a daylight basement.

Crawlspace Foundation
Crawlspace foundations have a small foundation walling that uses footings. The walls are usually very short. But they can be customized to your needs and provide enough space for storage if you want the size to be increased.

These foundations are made with mortared concrete blocks or poured concrete.

Concrete Slab-On-Grade Foundation
A slab-on-grade foundation is a hardened solid concrete slab that remains at ground level. This is one of the best choices in Kentucky due to the weather and climate conditions in the area, but it provides no living or storage space.

We use high-quality compacted concrete to help your foundation withstand all environmental conditions. Our experts discuss the different options you have before we deliver the final product. Our priority is to deliver a long-lasting concrete foundation.
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